I could kill her. Her "I don't give a damn sht" look..
Her arrogant glance melted at the end of a challenging IT meeting where I talked about love.
That very momement our fond relationship started to my surprise.

That is how our chats started with a "b?" popping out in my office screen or a "b", hers never had exclamation. She was like a cool teenage girl.
I learned a lot about her.
And I love her.
You could tell from this empty space remained of her when she just went to the ladies. On our table of wine and cheese, her eyes, her skin was sparkling of joy. The joy of Love.
It is to her that I confessed that I am so upside down now, becuse for the first time in my life I believed so strongly tht what I lived, what I have endured all my life, I thought they were all to come to him. Which makes it so hard to move on now.
Seing him gave a glow to her skin. Her lips streched on both ears. We realised we became addicted to the loved ones just like the addicteds in our lives. I became in time so addicted to happiness that I couldn't breath in the existing situation now. With the "things we lost in the fire"..
At the end of the day, she woke me up with her words again. She was good, she was there and she was, without knowing, a good healer. What is so unique about her is that the cool arrogant look was genuine and yet she was "nice".
My lovely D... I think I've always liked her
And just realised I love D.
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