Did you ever love someone that you knew you have to let him be the way he is and just kept on loving even when love aches and breaks your each part?
Or have you been of those that were blamed on not letting them be despite the thread?
How he loves to do that.. This challenge, this wind on his face. Smelling the pine woods and watching the bugs and birds flying around.
I could not take this from him. But I always have been careful and watched him over as he went outside the window.
Well.. yesterday night he was not there anymore. At the end, I found him under a pine tree in the garden. He fell down from the 5th floor! No wounds but 2 legs seriously injured and I am watching him over for he is under the risk of inner hemorrage and he must have hit his head and neck as well which scares me even more.
Chocolate has been my companion for almost 5 years now. The photo above is from his early times where he was left to me by my mother and family members as they were going all on holiday. Initially he was my mother's choice despite my cat allergies. We were living together then. After those times where everybody left for holidays, we were together and alone. That is how we had this bond. He became my tiger, my baby and my soulful companion through the years and through hard days and nights.
Two years ago he saved Thomas' life when Thomas was 3 weeks old and left by his mother to death. He warmed him and licked him, played with him and educated him through the domestic life.
Our home is silent now. I tried to keep my self awake through the night and watched Chocolate's chest. We are waiting for the critical first 3 days to be over.Yesterday Asya smoothed me with her beautiful smile saying: "Thank God we were here Dad"
So true..
Did you ever love and had to let him go to let him be?
2 yorum:
nice to meet you, parli e cìscrivi benissimo l'italiano, grazie per la tua visita sul mio blog!!! i'm so sorry for your wonderful cat! i can't believe that could happen!!! he is anyay lucky to be alive!!! good luche for everything Chocoloate!
un grande abbraccio
Wishing Chikolata well.... Purvis fell out the window once too... what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Hoping Chikolata had some of his 9 lives left.
Love Mark, Celia and Eben
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