What can one do with PO SE LENE phrase?
Po se lene means what is your name in greek.

Sonia and my Theodora.. my sweet Theodora, I met her in the church, oh how I love her, she gave me warm hugs and she brought me fruits and home made cookies to my hotel room the next day. And a special gift from her bedside table.
And Sonia, I heard her calling my name and waving me when I was leaving the hotel.

Oh those handsome bus drivers of Alexandropolis.. always very nice with you. This is Stelio, one of my favorites. Great guy, standing my crazy attitude. He even let me publish this.

These are my friends in the bus, from left to right Eleni, Nectaria. As I couldn't go to the covent to buy my broken bracelet Nectaria promessed me to buy it for me and send it over to Istanbul

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